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We propagate fig trees in different sizes and many varieties, which are very suitable as a gift for birth, baptism, birthdays or as a tree of life (Celtic June 14-23).

Fig plantation




The frugal plants also grow in pots on the south-facing window sill.

You will find almost everything in our huge range of Mediterranean potted and cut herbs

from absinthe to lemon verbena


Organic herbs smell, taste and have a healing effect.

Herbs enrich dishes with a wide variety of flavors, vitamins, minerals,

bioactive substances and thus strengthen the immune system and the circulatory system and

get our digestion going. Those who season with herbs need less salt and

at the same time sharpens his sense of taste.


The plants at the Feigenhof grow without mineral fertilizers and pesticides.

A large range of cut herbs for end consumers and the catering industry awaits you.
Please refer to our extensive range including plant descriptions

our herb and vegetable rarities catalog.




The most important thing is freshness! The fresher herbs are, the richer they are in ingredients.

In order to largely preserve the ingredients, they are briefly washed under cold water,

dab them off and chop them up with a knife / chopping knife.

Vitamins and aroma are well preserved when using delicate herbs like chives, or parsley

Basil is best used unheated or only steamed briefly. Oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme

develop their strong aroma only when they are boiled or heated.




Most herbs need a lot of sun. The range includes the few shade-loving ones

specially marked. Mineral fertilizers should be avoided with herbs.

Most are used to barren soils. Too many nutrients lead to lush growth,

from which the taste suffers. Also use compost or

organic fertilizers in moderation. Potted herbs dry out quickly in the sun.

Feel whether the top layer of soil has dried off. Only then should it be poured.

Do not leave any water in the saucer!


Cutted herbs - herb bundles
A large range of cut herbs for end consumers and the catering industry awaits you. Let yourself be overwhelmed by gustatory and olfactory stimuli.
You will find almost everything from absinthe to lemon verbena.

Due to seasonal production, not all products are always in stock.

Winter hardy potted herbs are up to date in April: mountain savory, winter hardy rosemary, French tarragon, curry herb, chives, woolly lavender, olive, thyme, oregano and sage in different varieties.

From May on, all subtropical herbs such as basil, stevia, aztec sweet cabbage, gotu kola, brahmi and lemongrass are added.


Am Himmelreich 325

1110 Vienna / Kaiserebersdorf

Mobile +43 (0) 664/422 44 80

Tel / Fax +43 (0) 1/3187074





Friday: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Season March - end of December

Organic potted herbs, fig trees

and organic fresh vegetables; Shipping of fig trees




U3 Simmering - 73A Hörtengasse

Access at Kaiserebersdorferstraße 135 (Feigenhofschild)
From the U3 station Simmering with the bus line 73A to the stop Hörtengasse, 50 meters back on the Kaiserebersdorfer Straße to No. 135, there turn right into the path (private access) with the Feigenhof signs, approx. 300 meters to the Feigenhof.
Do not turn into Hörtengasse!



Kaiserebersdorfer Straße between No. 131 and No. 135 out of town, 50 meters before Hörtengasse, turn left into the private access road (not into Hörtengasse).

Note the speed limit (30 km / h).

Parking lot after approx. 300 meters at the Feigenhof.

For GPS: 160 m above sea level, 48 ° 9 '56 "n. Latitude,

16 ° 26 '37 "e. Longitude


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